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Aquarius Horoscope 2020 Predictions As Per Astrology

Aquarius Horoscope 2020As per Aquarius horoscope 2020, it is possible that people of Aquarius zodiac sign will face some challenges this year. But due to your willful efforts, you will be able to overcome these challenges. Lord of your zodiac sign, Planet Saturn, will enter in the 12th house in Capricorn sign on January 24 and remain there throughout the year. Planet Jupiter will enter in the same sign on 30th March and retrograde on 14th May. During this motion, on 30th June, Jupiter will return to the eleventh house i.e. Sagittarius sign. It will become direct on September 13, and thereafter once again, re-enter the Capricorn sign on November 20.

Rahu will remain in the fifth house till mid-September, and thereafter move into your fourth house. Moving into the twelfth house of the sign lord increases the chances of many journeys. There is also a possibility for foreign travel. The best part is that all the trips will prove to be lucky for you.

In the year 2020, chances of paying visits to pilgrimages are likely. Special attention should be paid to your health. Chances of going to the hospital will be there. Much wealth will be spent over religious and virtuous deeds. Both the expenditure and income will remain on the higher side. Stay careful while dealing with money matters. You would acquire information on topics related to spirituality. You would get a chance to go abroad to spread religious awareness.

Focus on health from 27th December to get relief from physical problems. Money can be spent on the treatment. You may visit a new place. To maintain warmth in relationships, keep giving gifts to family and loved ones from time to time.

Aquarius Horoscope 2020: Career

As per Aquarius horoscope 2020 career prediction, for the people of Aquarius, the year will be full of fluctuations in terms of career. Career Horoscope for the year 2020 suggests that you should think seriously before making any decision. There will be chances of transfer in your existing job. There may be stress in the office. Because of this situation, you may have to change your job. If you are in a partnership in business, then you will experience relief. Before 30 March and from 30th June to 20th November, there will be new records of success. These will bring your career to a new step of growth.

Aquarius Horoscope 2020: Finance

If we talk about your economic life, this year will be normal. Take special precautions regarding both money investment and expenditures, because Saturn in 12th house can take on your savings. Your expenses would increase drastically. As per Aquarius Horoscope 2020 Predictions, Jupiter transit will remain in 12th house between 30 March and 30 June. You would find yourself very comfortable during 30 June to 20 November, but after this period is over, the expenditure will increase again. Avoid taking any risk related to money. Income will be average this year but savings or money will not be utilized in a decent manner.

Aquarius Horoscope 2020: Education

This year will be favorable for students. However, there will be a necessity to work hard. After mid-September, when transit of Rahu takes place in your fourth house, you may face obstacles in your education. Students preparing for competitive exams can get success between 30 March to 30 June due to the influence of Jupiter and Saturn. This year will be full of achievements for students pursuing education related to Information Technology. There may be some hurdles for the technical students.

Aquarius horoscope 2020 education prediction for this year clearly indicates that your wish to get education abroad will be fulfilled. After mid-September, the transit of Rahu will be in your fourth house, then problems in the field of education will be automatically removed. There is no shortcut to success. Good results will be found.

Aquarius Horoscope 2020: Family Life

As per Family predictions, mentioned in Aquarius horoscope 2020 will bestow mixed results. In the year's first half, while there will be family mergers, on the other side, there may be a problem with the child. It is likely that a serious news about their health might give you hiccups. There may be stress in family life in the second half of the year. Your parents' health may decline. You may remain busy in work, which can affect your family time. Due to professional commitments and other important exigencies, you may not be able to remain available for family. The beginning of the year will be fantastic.

Pleasure will remain in family life. You would get full support from brothers and sisters. Relationships will improve and peace will prevail in the family. You may buy a new vehicle during this year. After mid-September, there will be a decrease in familial peace as the transit of Rahu will be there in your fourth house. Try to maintain peace at home.

Aquarius Horoscope 2020: Love and Marriage

This year of Aquarius people will experience mixed results in their marital life. In your marital life, there will be fluctuations. From January till March 30, Jupiter will remain there in your eleventh house and aspect the seventh house. Due to this, the marital life will possess mutual harmony. Thereafter till June 30, time will come with some challenges. There is a possibility of fighting, quarrel and discord. From June 30 to November 20, your relationship will be at that point where love will grow.

According to Aquarius horoscope 2020 marriage predictions, both of you will understand the feelings of each other, which will make your marriage prosperous. Till mid September, Rahu will transit in your fifth house, which will affect the health of your children. As per Child Horoscope 2020, you may remain concerned about the future of your child. Pregnant women will have to take special precautions. There may be some obstacles in the progress of children.

This year is not much fruitful for love matters. Keep your lover happy to maintain this relationship. In the beginning of the year, love relations will be affected due to the combination of many planets in the eleventh house. Confrontation can be caused due to some close friends. Chances are that you may get attracted by more than one person. Control yourself and be loyal to any one person else, you may encounter problems. The period between February to March will bring good results.

According to Aquarius horoscope 2020 predictions, possibility of singles finding their desired partner will be there. From March to June, the time will be amazing. Period from June 30 to November 20 will prove to be a boon for your love life. Enlightenment and depth will come in love life. A trip away may get planned. Time after November 20 will be unfavourable, so have patience.

Aquarius Horoscope 2020: Health Life

This year, Aquarius natives will have to pay special attention towards health as per Aquarius horoscope 2020 predictions. The lord of Aquarius will enter in the 12th house on 24th January and remain in this house for the whole year. Because of this, there will be fluctuations in health. Mental stress will arise. Loss of sleep, eye diseases, stomach disorders may bother you.

The point of relief is that no major disease will have to be faced. Just keep your diet and routine in control. Practice Yoga and do regular exercises, so that body remains energized. Highly roasted or fatty foods can make your body obese. Acquire Sun rays, as there is a lot of Vitamin D in it.

Aquarius Horoscope 2020 Remedies

We wish you a bright future ahead in the year 2020 !!

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