Free printable 2020 calendar with holidays provides you the daily usable calendar to download. You can easily download and access this calendar and also you can print this and set this on your wall, work area and anywhere you want to. New year comes with a new beginning, new expectations, new goals, and new benchmarks. We, with the help of our Printable Calendar 2020, will provide you the organized format of important dates. It is an important tool which enables you to prepare your priority lists and plan your vacations & events accordingly. We are showing you this user friendly calendar in order to save your time. Are you ready to download free printable calendar 2020? Get the link below to download it for free. You can also save your important notes with dates on your phone, laptop, PC or tablet.
A calendar is a chronological arrangement of dates, days and months set in a systematic way and Free printable 2020 calendar with holidays fulfil this criteria. It contains three hundred and sixty five days a year (sometimes three hundred and sixty six days depending on the leap year). In this printable calendar, a month comprises of thirty or thirty one days, sometimes 28 or 29 in case of February. After dividing these days into 12 months, again the month is divided into 4 weeks. These 4 weeks are divided into 7 days. These days are widely mentioned in the English calendar, which is Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. These days determine important religious dates, fasts and festivals.
In India, people follow numerous regional calendars such as, Shak Samvat, Vikram Samvat, Hijr era Calendar, Kali era Calendar, South Indian Calendar like Tamil Calendar, Telugu Calendar etc. Presently, Gregorian Calendar is used by the world on a generic basis.
Free printable 2020 calendar with holidays is an important tool in our daily life and useful in planning and prioritizing our important and auspicious works, events and other assigned tasks. Below mentioned are some of the uses:
The physical calendars were used earlier by the civilization of Egypt and Mesopotamia in Bronze age. Roman Calendar has been originated from Hellenistic Calendars, which was further modified by the Emperor Julius Caesar in 45 BC. This calendar is quite different from the original Moon Calendar, whereas all the calendars were based on the motion and position of the Moon in the sky. Julian Calendar came with the idea of leap year i.e. a leap day every fourth year and arranges 30 days in a month of a year. This was the history of calendar through our update on Free printable 2020 calendar with holidays.
Important Calendars In The World In this update of Free printable 2020 calendar with holidays we will be explaining the important calendars that are being used worldwide.
On this section of Free printable 2020 calendar with holidays update we will explain and talk about the Gregorian Calendar. It is also known as Civil Calendar or English Calendar. It’s the calendar which is used widely across the globe. The dates are internationally standardized and arranged by calculating the position of the Sun. Hence we can say that it is based on Solar Calendar with a 400 year cycle. It is prepared after keeping in mind the duration of year.
One calendar comprises of 365 or 366 days (during leap year). The average year is 365.2425 days long. This calendar is developed after making some corrections in Julian Calendar, which was used throughout European Middle Ages.
There are various different calendars diversified according to the religion that are being followed in most countries of the world. These calendars play an essential role among religious communities. These are prepared to keep a track record of traditional fasts, festivals and events. All the religious rituals are based on the dates of these ancient religious calendars.
For example, Islamic Calendar is prepared to keep a track record of Muslim’s traditional events and festivals. It comprises of 12 lunar months with 354 or 355 days in a year. All important dates are calculated and determined on the relative motion of Moon.
There are also numerous Hindu calendars, which is still used in the Indian subcontinent like Nepali Calendar, Bengali Calendar, Malayalam Calendar, Tamil Calendar, Vikrama Samvat in Northern India, ShalivahanaCalendar in theDeccanstates etc. The other famous calendar is Buddhist Calendar used in countries like Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka etc. This was the update about religious calendar through our informative blog Free printable 2020 calendar with holidays.
Few countries are there which basically follow their own national calendars. Calendar used in Iran is also used in Afghanistan. Another is Ethiopian Calendar, used in Ethiopia and Eritrea. In Thailand, Thai Solar Calendar is used. In this, months and days are aligned with western standards, whereas years are still calculated on the basis of traditional Buddhist Calendar.
Fiscal calendars are used for the purpose of planning, budgeting, keeping accounts, budgeting and taxation. Financial year commences from 1 April to 31 March in India. However, the fiscal year of small businesses starts on the auspicious day of Diwali.
We hope you like our post on Free printable 2020 calendar with holidays. Stay tuned with us in order to get more update related to it!